11 Dec 2009

Success Through Masses!

If you guys remember several weeks ago in Orchard, there were four groups of "IxD" students doing wacky stuff. I am in one of the group, group 4. The wacky stuff is our an assignment for the Digital Media Studies 2 (DMS2) module.

I like to say that our group is honored to have scored the highest among the four groups! But that is not to say we are the best at everything though, as we are only overall the best. Our lecturer, Mr Andrew, told us that the best concept was awarded to group 3 for their box idea. I personally think group 1 have the best video editing though. But whatever the case, I think the whole of IxD did a great job for our first DMS2 assignment! Good job!

Since I am in group 4, I would like to share with you guys all the videos our group has submitted for this assignment.

This is the first video which features our first 3 days of planning, rehearsal and preparation. This and the next video are called "IxD 04 The Making".

The second video features behind-the-scene footage of what happen during the actual filming.

This is the first draft of the actual day video.

This is the final version of the actual day video. Personally I think each of the two actual day videos have its good and bad points so it is a matter of which one you like better.

Time for some "director's comment"! In the two "IxD 04 The Making" video, there are a few running gag that act as my "designer's mark". First is actually me as a comical character saying "You are watching IxD 04 The Making" in the first video. Next is the words "apple pie" that recurred once in the first video, and twice in the second video. What is with "apple pie" you ask? Well, that is for me (and many people in our class) to know, and you to figure it out.

I've gotten some very funny responds from my classmates, so I can conclude this was a success! There are also a few other running gags that isn't deliberately added by me, so let's see if you can spot them! Also, as group 3 is our "partner" group (most of our lessons are done together with them), the second video contains a section ("Part Two: Group 3 Encounter") dedicated to our friends at group 3.

I encountered a lot (and I mean A LOT!) of problems when editing the video in iMovie, and because of that, the final videos for submission wasn't done in 1080iHD format that is required by the brief. Either way, I would like to thank all my videographer partners in helping to capture all the great scenes! Thanks!

As required by our brief, we also did a short report on what we did for this assignment. Here are some parts of the report. You can read the full write-up on my school assignment blog.
"There were many funky ideas being raised. Everybody was really exciting to do whatever he or she want to do... The 3 ideas highlighted are ‘Lines’, ‘Pointing’, and ‘Umbrella’... It was a warm day and everyone was dying to get home. The plans were rolling downhill..."
"We did 2 things... Passersby taking photos of us, asking people near them who we are, taking a second look, asking us who we are, etc... It was fun when we get reaction from people... People react only when you go interact with them. It’s harder for them to come to you instead..."

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