24 Oct 2009

Design To Design Thinking

This is the TED video of Mr Tim Brown, the CEO of IDEO. After watching this video, I learned something new - Design Thinking. I always thought that designing stuff is just a profession, but designer are designer because of their ability to think. Not only that, Design Thinking can be applied in almost any situation too.

This reminded me of the User-Centered Design (UCD) lesson I had this week. UCD is about Usability, Usefulness, and Desirable. During the talk, Mr Brown talks about things designer design nowadays - "Amusing? Yes. Desirable? Maybe. Important? Not so very."

And so during the talk, Mr Brown talks about focusing on the aim - a question on the problem, putting human in the center of the focus instead of technology. If not, we would just be doing art, creating fancy things that are good to use but isn't important to our life.

I guess that is the reason why our lecturers are so strict on work. If we do not follow our brief closely, we will have our grade reduced. They want to train us to be what designer should have be, one who are good with problem solving, and one who is focus on our aim and putting the needs of human first.

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