16 Nov 2009

Sketching My Future

Even though I am a designer and not an artist, I need to practice my drawing and illustration skills often as you will be surprise how often a designer is required to draw. Some might include preliminary thumbnails, or drawings that will be incorporated into the final product.

I do so by carrying a sketchbook whenever I go (mostly to school, sadly) and I draw while I am in the bus or in the train. You might even be able to spot me because I always sketch on an A5 size sketchbook and mostly uses a black 0.3 - 0.5mm ballpoint pen to sketch.

I can still remember I only started to keep a sketchbook diary this year, when our Drawing & Illustration module lecturer advice us to draw everyday. It was my favorite module (and ironically one of my worst, but that is another story) as I really love drawing, but too bad there are no more drawing-related modules for our course.

Still, I understand that drawing skill will become very useful in time to come and I will continue to sketch in my sketchbook as often as I can (usually 5 times a week). If you are interested in drawing like me, perhaps you should think about joining an Art or Design related course in the Polytechnics or either Lasalle or NAFA.

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